
We’re proud of our client roster of 成熟的地区企业, 非营利组织和令人兴奋的初创企业. But we are even more proud that we’ve never lost focus on what is really important: the personal connections we make with every client. 大思考. 个人的关注. 正是这些成就了今天的我们, and it will guide our actions in the future.

自1956年以来,pg电子游戏平台 & Co.公司. 一直在提供会计pg电子游戏试玩, 税, consulting and business advisory services through innovative thought leaders who deliver their expertise to meet the individual 需要 of each client.

pg电子游戏平台, we're proud that we've built a client list of powerful Fortune 500 companies, 成熟的地区企业, 非营利组织和令人兴奋的初创企业. But we are even prouder that we have never lost focus on what is really important: the personal connections we make with every one of our clients. We provide them national and international-level expertise, 在他们居住的社区做志愿者的时候. We know what matters to their businesses, and we care deeply about what happens in their lives. 大思考. 个人的关注. 正是这些成就了今天的我们, and this is what will guide our purpose and actions in the future.

pg电子游戏平台与大大小小的企业合作, 公开和私人持有, 以及非营利组织, 政府实体, pg电子游戏试玩公司和专业协会. We help our clients reach their goals through insight, innovation and experience.

Our ultimate goal is to serve our clients to their highest levels of satisfaction. Through our commitment to thought leadership and knowledge management, we deliver the solutions our clients need with the commitment to the service that they deserve. 这就是施耐德-唐斯的不同之处.

洞察力是通过经验过滤的信息. Schneider Downs' interdisciplinary teams understand the complex issues businesses face. Using the latest technology and in-depth resources, we help you make the most of your opportunities. Innovation occurs when creative ideas are tempered by study and vision. Clients trust Schneider Downs to stay abreast of new business and accounting regulations. We work with our clients to manage the effects of changing economic conditions. We aggressively seek a range of integrated, innovative solutions to each business situation. Experience results from applying lessons learned to new solutions. Our senior executives have directed corporations, owned small businesses and managed nonprofits. They can understand your business and offer flexible paths to success.


“我们对SD有很好的体验&Co over the years and appreciate the strong leadership from the partners and managers on our account. They understand our business and the issues we face each year and provide reasonable alternatives."

"Overall knowledge of business and industry along with excellent 工作人员 - client interaction, 反馈和工作质量."


"I have had great experience working with the SD professionals on sales 税 matters, 会计技术, 一般10-Q审查协助, PPP贷款减免, 等."

"Everyone I have encountered at Schneider Downs is responsive, has a positive demeanor and provides relevant guidance as needed."

"Everyone we deal with at Schneider Downs shows that they care about our business and personal concerns. 我们随时可以得到他们的帮助,而且反应非常迅速. They have been with us for a long time and we are thrilled with their performance."

“我在pg电子游戏平台工作了20年. Everyone that I have worked with has been professional, courteous, and supportive of the work we d0. 随着公司多年来的发展, Schneider Downs has made a point in making us aware of the different accounting changes. 当我们开发新项目时, they are a resource that we can go to in order to make good business decisions. 我真的很喜欢和员工一起工作!"

"Schneider Downs has been a valued advisor to our organization. They understand us and our industry and can provide guidance and insight that is appropriate to our circumstances."

“良好的双向沟通. 每个客户的需求都是独一无二的. pg电子游戏平台是根据我们的规模来了解我们的, 需要, 工作人员, 知识和领域,我们需要帮助,而不是. It works great and communication is the key to that successful partnership."

"The People, Expertise in their field, and professionalism is important to me. . They help guide my business and personal life with 税 preparation and planning..
I have dealt with Julie and Henry for over 20 years on a weekly level and am completely satisfied"


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